No Chance Set 2

No Chance Set 2 pure logic games

No dice, no cards, just strategy.

In this elegant second set of “No Chance” two players have four pure logic games. These four ancient board games feature pure strategy:

Quirkat, Liberian Queah, Picaria, Viking Chess

Quirkat is from the Middle East, Liberian Queah from Liberia, Picaria from the American Southwest, and Viking Chess is of Nordic and Celtic origin. These logic games feature tokens and a board. You don't have to be a chess master like Bobby Fischer to enjoy these games. They are simple in rules, quick to set up, but deep in strategy.

With glass pieces you and a friend can play anywhere inside or outside. 
  • light/medium
  • 2 players
  • strategy game
  • competitive


Liberian Queah pure logic game

Picaria pure logic game

Al Qirkat pure logic game

Hnefatafl pure logic game